Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Advice, from me to you.

Hey Blogger, it's been a while. Last time we spoke I was nearing the end of my summer break. Since then, I completed my fall semester with a 3.7 GPA, turned 21, and learned a lot along the way. In the final hours of 2013 I wanted to come back to this blog and just simply write. I've missed writing these past few months but I just simply haven't had the time. 
2013 was a year like any other. I don't think it was any better or worse than the other 21 years of my life. But maybe I just haven't had the proper time to truly reflect on this year compared to the others. Anyhow, here are some ending notes. 
1. Passion is everything. No matter how absurd your passion may be, grab it with both hands, pursue it, and don't let go. 1 person with passion is way better than 40 who are simply interested. 
2. Don't let people push you around, unless its in a moving cart on your 21st birthday...because that is very fun. But in all seriousness, don't let people take advantage of you. 
3. But on that note, we cant control people. There will always be givers and there will always be takers. If giving leaves you feeling empty, you're giving to the wrong people. 
4. Continuing on that, don't let that change the person you are. Keep being the same bright, sweet, beautiful person you are. Be soft. Don't let the world make you hard.
5. Don't be jaded. Happiness is a choice. There's a lot to be sad about, but there's also a lot to be happy about. Being cheerful and being miserable require the same amount of work. 
6. Be responsible. Take care of your own problems and deal with the consequences. Its okay to ask for help, but don't be mad at others for problems you brought upon yourself.
7. Just be open minded. Its 2014, for God's sake. If you're still going to be closed minded then how can you expect to grow as a person? You're only hurting yourself. 
8. Love is about appreciation, not possession. Being able to love someone so much that you let them go because you know you're hurting them is the truest thing I have ever known. It hurts like hell but wanting the best for someone, even if it means that you aren't apart of it, is an amazing concept. 
9. There is nothing romantic or sweet about being a dysfunctional couple. Get your act together and determine if you need someone or you want someone. There is a difference. 
10. There is also a difference between genuinely liking someone and liking the attention they give you. Know that difference and recognize it.
11. You don't need other people to love your choices if you love them. Live your life for you. 
12. Don't spread yourself too thin. Everyone needs a break every once in a while. 
13. Its okay to not know what you want. You're young, you don't have to have everything figured out. 
14. What ever is meant to happen, is going to happen. I believe in fate. Don't get caught up in the could have, should have, would haves. If it should of happened, it would have. 
15. We were born with the ability to change someone's life, don't waste that opportunity. 
16. There's more to life than whats simple, convenient, and available. Sometimes, those are the things that hurt us. 
17. There's nothing wrong with needing time to be by yourself. Don't let others feel bad about that. 
18. Don't let others make you feel bad about anything you choose to do. Its YOUR life, not theirs. 
19. Being pretty is cool but having a pretty heart is better. 
20. Everyone comes, and leaves, your life for a reason. Trust in it, even when you don't understand. 
21. Don't be reckless with someone else's feelings, and don't put up with people who are reckless with yours. 
22. Love yourself, your whole self. Your flaws, accomplishments - everything. Have the courage to own who you are. Perfectly flawed people are still worthy of being loved.
23. Don't be loyal to people who aren't loyal to you. Know when to let go and don't compromise your self respect. 
24. When someone betrays your trust, its not really them. They've always been acting in a way that's true to themselves. Its our perception of them that was betrayed. 
25. If you have to keep wondering where you stand with someone, you better start walking. Trust me on this one, you'll know when its real.
26. Liking/hooking up/dating people in your friend group isn't a good idea. Way too drama, trust me again on this one. 
27. Religion doesn't determine if you're a good person or not, your actions do. 
28. Experience is worth more than a designer purse. Use that money to go travel. See new sights, go learn something.
29. But don't forget to treat yourself. And sure as hell don't wait for a guy to spoil you. 
30. Don't sweat the small stuff. It wont matter in 5 years, let alone 5 hours.
31. Be thankful for what you have. There are people with less, and also people with more. But if you focus on what you don't have, you'll never have enough. 
32. If you want others to respect you, you have to respect yourself. Remember, you are what you settle for. A lack of boundaries creates a lack of respect. 
33. If you start wondering if you deserve better, you do.
34. Go out and have fun. Go on dates, meet new people. Don't mope around about some asshole forever. 
35. But keep in mind, there are a lot of jerks out there. But there are also good guys, too. 
36. However, good guys are like unicorns (I've never seen one.)
37. When you say "yes" to others, make sure you aren't saying "no" to yourself.
38. Gut instincts are usually right. (and by usually, I mean always.)
39. Sometimes, you just gotta make your own mistakes. No matter how much your friends warn you about someone, you gotta experience it for yourself. 
40. Don't say "I told you so." Sometimes, its better to be kind, than it is to be right. 
41. Everyone is going through their own unique challenges and kind. 
42. While we have to make choices that benefit our best interest, every choice we make somehow has an effect on others. Try to be courteous. 
43. If you have a personal problem with someone, go tell that person. Don't go tell their roommates, your roommates, your friend group, the mail man. Seriously! Just go talk to them. 
44. Don't forget your true friends for the newest, latest, friend with all the great party hookups. 
45. Don't allow yourself to be an option. NO. YOU ARE A PRIORITY. 
46. It's better to have loved and lost than live with a psycho the rest of your life.
47. Having good roommates makes for an overall happier state of being. Trust me on this one. 
48. Be bold. Wear lipstick. Wear glitter and sequins. Sparkle. Shine.
49. The relationships you make matter more than the money in the bank and the diploma on the wall. 
50. Go on an adventure with your best friends. Those memories will last a lifetime. 
51. Don't be so hard on yourself. And do not let others make you feel guilty for their mistakes. 
52. Eat the damn cupcake, who cares.
53. Being called the nice girl is way better than being called the bitch.
54. Trust people until they give you a reason not to.
55. Never chase after people. What isn't given freely isn't worth having. 
56. Stop doing things for the sake of posting them on social media. Create a life that feels good, not one that looks good with the toaster Instagram filter. 
57. The way people treat you is a reflection of them, not you. This one took me so long to realize, but instantly changed me once I came upon it. 
58. We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions. Remember this. 
59. There's a blessing in every lesson. You may not see it at first, but you will eventually. 
60. Listen to your body and respond accordingly. Take care of yourself!
61. Learn to be your own best friend. At the end of the day, you really can only count on yourself...might as well be okay with being in your own company.
62. Your parents may be on your back but you'll realize that they're the only people who truly ever had your back.
63. What attract's a mans attention doesn't attract his respect and what turns his head won't always turn his heart. 
64. The marks we leave are too often scars. Be kind. Don't hurt people. 
65. Things don't have to be perfect to be good and still worthy. 
66. Good things (like homemade lasagna) take time. They are worth it, trust me. 
67. Missing people is a part of moving on. It doesn't mean you need them back.
68.  Don't waste your time on drama. Its dumb, no one cares, and it is pointless. 
69. Don't feel bad cutting off toxic people. 
70. You can't control if you get hurt. But you can control who hurts you. 
71. Sometimes its better to react with no reaction. 
72. Hurting people who hurt you makes you just like them. Real maturity is when you look at someone who hurt you and try to understand what they are going through. 
73. How others see you means nothing. How you see yourself means everything. 
74. Encourage the ones you love to grow and explore, but give them roots to come back and reasons to stay. 
75. Anything that makes your heart pound and your blood rush is worth doing. 
76. Don't let hate consume your heart. 
77. Sometimes you have to go through hell to become the person you're meant to be. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel. 
78. When people show you who they are the first time, believe them. 
79. Actions mean much more than words.
80. It is okay to lose friends. Some people are brought in our lives to show us who we don't want to be.
I think that covers it...
What did you learn this year?