Sunday, May 4, 2014

You don't like me

I will forever be confused by boy's who decide they "like" a girl after hanging out 1 time. 
Was it the way I politely laughed at your jokes I didn't understand? Or the way I tried not to swear excessively? 
If you see the point I'm trying to make, you'll realize that everyone is the "best" version of themselves the first time they meet someone. I'm not saying I'm a completely different person, but I'm just a more polished and refined version. Think Shannon 2.0. 
Can you really say you like me when you haven't seen every side of me? 
You haven't seen how outspoken and cranky I am when I'm hungry. Or how quiet I get when I'm tired. You've never seen how angry I get when I've been hurt because I'm trying to protect myself. But you've also never seen the way my eyes light up when I talk about something I'm passionate about. And you probably don't understand how excited I get when I find the "perfect" shoes on sale. 
Or maybe you see something completely different in me that I don't see. Or maybe you "like" me for all the wrong reasons. And why are you so open to telling me you like me so soon? Aren't you scared that I might just like you as a friend? 

Maybe you have a basic criteria for a girlfriend. Nice, funny, cute. Okay, that's not very hard to find. But I guess I just know that besides those exterior features, I have a lot to offer that isn't easily detected.

I'm loyal to the end and have a heart that never hardens. I have a deep passion burning in my soul that I put into everything I do. I stick up for the people I care about because everyone needs a crutch. I have a sense of humor that could make even the hardest person crack a smile. 

We all have those inside qualities, inside beauty, that means so much more than whats on the outside. That's what you truly fall in love with. Sure, straight teeth, perfect hair, and a lean body are all things you may "love" about a person, but that isn't what you should base your love around. 

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