Friday, April 26, 2013

Some people are like rain clouds...

And when they go away, its a brighter day. 
Have you ever had someone like that in your life? This person finds something wrong in everything you try to do. This person makes you feel bad about yourself because they are mean to you. I'm sure at some point in your life, you've dealt with a person like this to some degree. I know I have. 
For the longest time I felt terrible about myself because of how someone decided to treat me. I felt that I wasn't worth someone treating me right and felt that I couldn't do anything right. Every time this person did something terrible to me, instead of recognizing that they're being a jerk, I took the blame upon myself. Not getting what I wanted led to me trying to become a better person. In my mind, I thought that if I was better, I would be treated better. Sadly, that wasn't the case. 
But then it dawned on me one day. We are defined by our actions toward others, not others' actions toward us. If someone is being hurtful toward you when you did nothing to deserve it, then they don't deserve you. Seriously. If someone doesn't want whats best for you, then they don't deserve you at all! Don't compromise your dreams for someone who doesn't want you to go after what is going to make you the happiest. I know its hard when you love someone but if you truly love someone, you want them to be happy. 
Think of it this way. Your life is a puzzle. All the pieces are coming together. You really want to go study abroad and your significant other doesn't want you to. Sometimes those 2 pieces aren't going to fit together with you to make a complete puzzle. 
I used to think that if two people truly wanted to make a relationship work, they'd find a way. While I still think its true to some extent, my views have changed. Sometimes things change. Sometimes things just don't work out even though you really want it to. And I know you're trying to cram that corner piece of the puzzle into the center just to make it work but listen, it's not going to fit. Just like you're not going to fit into that size 2 mini skirt after you ate a large Reese's Blizzard while crying about what a jerk Andrew is. It's okay girl, you're beautiful anyway. 
Back on topic. Just don't fight your puzzle. Everything happens for a reason. I know its hard to think of the whole picture right now because you're too busy trying to cram pieces where they don't belong but trust me, the puzzle only comes together one way. Even if you and Andrew's puzzle piece fits on one side, the other 3 sides are empty so you know what, let him go be the corner piece that's closed off on two sides because he is incapable of opening his heart up to love. He'll probably end up living under a bridge someday so no worries. You have 4 sides open and ready for love so you go out there and find another puzzle piece that belongs in the middle of the puzzle. 
We all have a predetermined number and type of pieces in the box of our lives. Each piece serves a purpose.  Some of the pieces help us learn something. Others test our limits. No matter their purpose, they all help us in some way and each piece serves a purpose in our lives. 
So next time you're doubting something in your life or you're just trying way to hard to make things work, just think of the puzzle. Take a deep breath, step back and try to think of the big picture. Don't fight fate, it all works out in the end. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Travel Essentials

Long time no blog! As the end of the semester is approaching, I have been busy busy busy. So please, excuse my neglect! Next month I will be taking a special trip that I'm very excited about! My trip to Boston is rapidly approaching and I could not be more excited. With that being said, I have been trying to resist shopping because Boston has quite a few stores that are not in my area. However, that hasn't stopped me from doing some online window shopping for some "travel essentials." Here are some of the things I've had my eye on, enjoy! 

I'm not the biggest fan of Vera Bradley but I think this print is absolutely adorable. It's new for their Summer 2013 collection. While I already have a cosmetic bag, it is kinda small. And lets be real, this print is too cute to pass up. 

I've been reading so much about how great these totes are for travel. That makes me want one so much more! I've heard of people using them as carry on's and as a purse after their flight lands. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Short Story: My favorite shorts for spring and summer!

So, initially I wrote a draft of this in February. It is now April and the weather in Pittsburgh is nothing to write home about. It'll be snowing at 11 am but then sunny by 3 pm. Mother nature, you're bipolar and I'm sick of it. . Despite the less than ideal weather, it doesn't stop me from online window shopping for the upcoming seasons hottest shorts! 

As soon as I saw these, I was in love. The print is to die for, a small navy based floral, that is sure to last for seasons to come. 

Thanks to RueLaLa, I have a pair of these bad boys on the way. They're in a different print but I couldn't pass them up. They are adorable. I love the length. There's nothing I hate more than short shorts. They're awesome if you have great legs, but I don't. These, however, are great. Classy, cute detail and versatile. 

Okay, I know I just said I don't like short shorts but....THESE ARE SO CUTE. I need these. They are perfect. I just need to do a thousand squats a day and run run run. Yeah,  I say that as I lay in bed eating Reeses Pieces while wearing extra large men's sweat pants. Whatever. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Being a Good Person

From the time we are young, we are taught what we should believe and determine what defines us as a person. People are defined by their culture, beliefs, morals, political views, orientation, race and sex, among other things. I'm warning you, this post may be filled with unpopular opinions but this is my blog and I'm not walking on eggshells for anyone.
I will never understand why people care so much about the choices others make that don't effect them. If it does not affect you're day to day life, then I really think you should just stop worrying about it. Its fine if it bothers you, I get it. It's fine to vent, we all do it. I'm not writing this post to say I'm perfect. I am perfectly guilty of not understanding a choice someone has made and becoming frustrated by it.  Humans get annoyed and don't always agree with what others do and think. BUT, making a long Facebook status or slapping a bumper sticker on your car is NOT going to fix anything.
Your best bet is to accept that you cannot change the matter and live your life.
Okay, let's get to the nitty gritty of this post.
I live my life by one rule: be a good person.
I know, totally subjective. I was not raised in a religious household, which usually surprises a lot of people based on how I act. However, I am lucky enough to have parents who raised me to believe what I want to believe and above all be a good person.
I may not accomplish all of these rules every day, but I try my hardest.
Here are my guide to being a good person:
1. Help when you can. If you see a person upset, reach out to them. If someone is struggling, give what you can. Even if it is a text message, an encouraging word, an hour of your time or buying someone lunch...just help.
2. Bouncing off of that, don't deny help to someone just because it goes against your beliefs. The majority of us have so much, and there's so many that have so little. Be the bigger person and look past their flaws and just help.
3. Be a shoulder to cry on and an open ear. Comfort those who need it and offer a hug. I hate seeing anyone upset. And I know what it feels like to be upset and alone. It sucks, and I don't want others to feel that way.
4. Be compassionate and empathetic. Think about how you would feel if someone did that to you...or your mom, or your best friend. No one wants to be treated badly. I know its hard not to want to seek revenge when someone did you wrong, but two wrongs don't make a right. Take the high road, the view is so much better up there.
5. Respect people. Respect their beliefs, their belongings, etc. Be open minded to others. You wouldn't like if someone disrespected you, so don't do it to someone else. I don't always agree with people's beliefs or choices but who am I to tell them that they shouldn't do something or feel a certain way.
5. Think before you speak. You know those people who are so honest that it hurts? Like when a friend tells you that you shouldn't be wearing those shorts because your thighs jiggle? Please, don't be that rude. I love when people justify it as being honest. Yeah, being a honest is a good personality trait but that doesn't mean you should be brutal.
6. Use your manners. Say please and thank you. Hold the door open for someone. Smile.
7. I stick to my morals. That includes not being a drunk mess, not letting someone use me and not settling for less than I deserve. I don't want to be the average college girl getting drunk and hooking up with 5 different people each weekend. I respect myself enough to not act in that manner.
8. Be honest. Not the rude kind of honest, though. If you find a wallet on the ground, try to find its owner. Tell the truth.
9. Character is who you are in the dark. What I mean by that is who you are when no one is watching. Don't be a "good person" when people are around only so you get praise. Being a good person and feeling it inside  your heart is all the praise you need.
10. Be considerate. I usually put others before myself. Sometimes I do it to people who don't appreciate it and it makes me feel bad. But, at least I know I tried.
11. Be loyal. Keep your word and your promises. If you can't, be honest and explain why. Be committed and dependable.
12. Do not use people. Don't use them for their advantages, material possessions or personal gain. That's just rude.
13. Encourage those you love to reach their full potential.
14. Have integrity. Don't compromise your morals or ethical principles for anyone or anything.
15. Be sensitive. Be mindful that your words or actions might hurt another person.
16. Be real. I've never been one to pretend to be someone else. I'm me and not everyone will appreciate it but that's life.
17. Be sympathetic. Don't be rude to someone who is upset. Do not make them feel worse. People have done this to me before and it is a horrible feeling. Out of anger I have done this before to people and I have felt so terrible afterwards.
18. Give others the benefit of the doubt. I try to do this and think of reasons why something happened the way it did. It is easy to think something was done in a malicious manner but it usually isn't. However, I am at fault of justifying people's behavior when it was just plain mean.
19. Be self aware. Apologize when you're wrong. Admit your faults. Recognize your flaws.
20. Trust your gut. If it feels wrong, it is. If it feels good, it is.

There is so so so much more I could say on this topic...
Perhaps another time!
What is something you strive to do every day to be a good person?

Friday, April 5, 2013


I'll be the first to admit that I don't view myself as a positive person. I'm sarcastic and I always expect the worst to happen. I get frustrated easily and in turn become upset easily. Lately, I've been presented some not so great opportunities, but taught me some things in turn. Some say that everything happens for a reason. I can't help but question the reason sometimes, but I'm sure naturally everyone does. 
Here are some things I've realized in the last few weeks.

1. Someone is always going to have something better than you. Just like there are people who have it worse than you do. We all need to learn to be thankful for what we have. Be contented. 
2. Friends are like stars. You may not always see them, but they're always there. I'm so happy that I've had a good group of friends and family surrounding me these past few days.
3. "Don't let the fear of being alone drive you back to the arms of someone you don't belong with." Trust me, I know its hard to realize and know your self worth. It's hard and it really does suck feeling vulnerable like that but every single one of us deserves someone who will move mountains to see a smile on our face.
4. If you're lucky enough to be different, don't ever change. Seriously. I struggled with it all my life and still do now. No one wants to feel left out. Especially for stupid reasons. But you know what, if you don't fit in with your peers, it is probably for the best. You've taken a completely different path for your life and I promise that one day you'll see it is for the better.
5. To get a rainbow, you have to have some rain. It may be stormy now but soon that dark storm cloud is going to run out of rain. I'm waiting for that day.

Have a great Friday everyone!
Leave a comment below telling me what you've learned recently!