Sunday, May 19, 2013


Everything happens for a reason, right? Of course. I'll admit, I question the reason sometimes but I've tried to remember that this is all part of a grander plan. Often times, when one door in our life shuts we fixate on the shut door, trying to open it again. We're so focused on the door that closed that we don't acknowledge or even truly see all the other doors that have opened. In all the time you've spent dwelling on that shut door, did you ever stop to realize that maybe it is shut for a reason? Maybe the person on the other side of that door is no longer needed in your life. Maybe that person hurts you more than helps you, and is hindering you from reaching all that you were set out to be in this world. Every single person in your life is there for a reason. Weather it be to temporary or forever, everyone has a purpose. Some bring happiness, while others bring you experience. But just because someone is in your life, doesn't mean they always will be. Sometimes things go wrong, people change, and everything falls apart. Don't sit there and dwell on what you could have done better, what they did wrong, how you can make everything return to normal. Everything happens for a reason. Don't go back to something just because its comfortable and familiar...sometimes that is what hurts us the most. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Are you ever truly living if you always play it safe? Sitting on the shore is comfortable, but you can't explore new waters until you lose sight of the shore. Brave all the waves, a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. I know that its hard to move on from someone, especially when you love them. But there comes a point when you need to recognize that sometimes people don't change, things don't always get better, and that sometimes people hurt you more than they help you. If you're lucky, you have two hands: one to help yourself, and one to help others. Unfortunately, sometimes people use their other hand to hurt you. If someone is purposefully hurting you, pray for them. Pray that they receive the help they need. If someone feels the need to make you feel bad, it is because they feel bad themselves. Maybe they need self validation that you still care. Maybe it makes them feel good that they still have control over you. Just because they lack the love for life doesn't give you them right to make anyone feel bad as well. If they want to sink in their own misery, let them. Have enough respect for yourself to realize that you can swim. Swim away from the shore and explore new waters. Swim away from those who don't respect you, love you or help you grow. If you continually let people treat you bad, you are settling for less than you deserve. Know your worth. We all deserve someone who gives us the same amount of love and respect that we give to them. While God puts everyone in your life for a reason, he removes them for a better reason. Remember that <3

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