Saturday, February 23, 2013

Breakfast Blunder

With the ever increasing busy lifestyles, people just don't have time to eat healthy, nutritious meals. Sometimes, they skip meals all together. So often I hear people say that they never eat breakfast, commonly known as the most important meal of the day. Earlier this week, the Associated Press reported that Kellogg and General Mills both have plans to introduce breakfast drinks later this year. Both companies are formulating a milk based drink that they say will be as nutritious as a real breakfast. 

But will it live up to that claim? I think not. Most likely, these drinks will be created using a multitude of chemicals, added sugars, fats and who knows what else! I get it, we're all busy and sometimes a real breakfast just isn't an option. However, I have some alternatives that are far more healthy. 

Available in Strawberry and Mixed Berry, Simply Go-gurt is one of my favorite snacks. Unlike other kid-friendly yogurts, this one is made with no high fructose corn syrup or artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners. I personally do not like greek yogurt, so for me, this is an easy, healthy choice. 

Another easy breakfast favorite is whole grain toast with peanut butter. Not only are you starting your day off with some fiber, the peanut butter provides protein and heart healthy fats. 

If you can prepare food the night before, boil some eggs! Hard boiled eggs are compact, healthy and satisfying! 

One of my favorite breakfasts is to take a packet of  "reduced sugar brown sugar instant oatmeal," prepare as directed and stir in about a tablespoon of natural peanut butter. If in season, I like to add some fresh blackberries. Its so good! 

Another great choice is a homemade smoothie. I stress homemade because so many smoothies that you can get from the drive through are made with added sugars. They may advertise that they are "real fruit smoothies," but don't be fooled! Being an advertising major, I know that slogans like that are built upon weasel words. Weasel words are an advertising technique used to make words or phrases seem like they are saying something powerful or meaningful, when really there is a vague or ambiguous meaning behind the words. I love using the Yoplait smoothie mixes. All the work is done for you, all you need to do is blend. I love the Blueberry Pomegranate flavor, and I love adding a banana too it. So good, healthy and totally filling. 

I hope this helps all of you who don't enjoy breakfast! What are your favorite healthy breakfast foods? 

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