Friday, July 19, 2013

Glam Glow Review

If you've never experienced blackheads or acne, you're lucky. Fortunately, I was never plagued with acne in my younger years. I've had the occasional breakout that would last a few days and then disappear. However, I've always had blackheads. While makeup covers them, I always wished they would be gone, and gone for good. I've tried numerous products, from pore strips, to "blackhead clearing scrubs" and everything in between. While pore strips work, I've found that they only work sometimes. To me it seems like they only pull out recently formed blackheads and aren't strong enough to pull out the bigger, deep set ones. 
Recently, I've grown tired of cheap fixes and began looking deeper into the issue of getting rid of blackheads. Pinterest told me to extract them with a bobby pin (kinda works) and it also told me to scrub my nose with baking soda and water (burned like hell). In my investigation, I heard about the Glam Glow Super Mud Clearing Treatment, a mask that "sucks" out impurities from the skin. It's been described by many as a miracle product and has a 4.4 out of 5 rating on Sephora. A product of this magnitude comes at a price, though...a staggering $69. I've always been a girl that prefers quality over quantity but I wasn't so sure if I was ready to drop nearly $70 on this product. 
I found myself in Sephora yesterday and I asked one of the workers if she had any samples available of this product. She did not, but she gladly made me one! This morning when I woke up, I was like I gotta try this.  The mask is dark gray and has a few large particles of sea weed. The mask can be used all over your face or as a spot treatment. My forehead is pretty clear with no visible pores so I decided to focus the product on my t-zone and cheeks, especially on my nose. Once the mask starts to dry, it turns a lighter gray color and you can begin to see the mask drawing out the oil, dirt, and straight up junk out of your skin. Don't believe me? Examples to follow. 

These pictures were taken about 10 minutes after the mask was applied. I kept the mask on for a total of roughly 15 minutes. 
All those little "holes" in the mask are where oil and dirt has been vacuumed out of my skin. 
So what's my final thoughts on this product? 
I think it is awesome. I loved being able to see the results immediately. While it didn't remove all of my blackheads, it definitely removed a lot of impurities from my skin. When my sample runs out, I'm definitely buying the full size of this miracle product! 

*All opinions are solely my own and do not express the opinions of my employer or University. Glam Glow was not sent to me, I received the sample for free from Sephora. Pictures are my own.*

Monday, July 15, 2013

Be soft.

Getting hurt in life is inevitable. It will happen once, and then happen again. After being hurt so many times, I often hear people say "I'm used to it." 
To be honest, I'll never be used to being hurt. And I truly think it is sad that some people do get to the point where they're so used to being constantly hurt that they no longer feel emotion. So many people have described me as being a strong girl. While that may be true on the outside, they can't see or understand what I'm feeling on the inside, or even see me when things become too much to handle. While feeling helpless and upset isn't the best experience to go through, I never want to become used to it. 
Life is full of emotions. Some good, and some bad. But life is a test and our emotions are a lesson. Don't ever apologize for how you feel. Don't build a wall around your heart just so you don't shed a tear. Crying shouldn't be seen as a sign of weakness. Tears simply mean you're alive. Tears show that you've been too strong, for too long. 
It is truly a shame that people no longer make it a priority to treat people the best that we can. Life is rough, we all know that. So why try to hurt others when we know how hard living day by day is? We are confined by the walls we build around ourselves. I say, stop building. Be open. Don't become jaded and bitter about life. 
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Respecting yourself

Respect. Next to love, it is what everyone wants. No one wants to be treated badly. But did you ever stop to think that a fraction of how you are treated depends on how you treat yourself. Don't get me wrong, I know I've talked previously how if people treat us badly, it does not mean we are bad people. While that is true, how we treat ourselves sets the standard for how others treat us. If you don't respect yourself, you can't expect anyone else to respect you.
 So what exactly does that mean to respect yourself? Remember in Mean Girls when Ms. Norbury says "you've got to stop calling each other sluts and whores. It just makes it alright for guys to call you sluts and whores" ? She's exactly right! I know you think it's funny to call your BFF a whore but would you really like it if a guy called you that? Uhm, no! But just by calling yourself that or allowing a friend to call you that makes it seem like a casual word instead of something I'd never want to be called. 
Another way you can respect yourself is to control your emotions. I know this is a hard one, especially if you're angry! Don't let your mood dictate your manners. This is something I've recently learned but I'm so glad I did! If someone is mad at you and is slandering your name and reputation, let them. They're making a fool of themselves anyway! A true lady wouldn't do that, only a child would. Handle your defeats, failures and short comings with the grace of a lady instead of the grief of a child. And frankly, if you feel the need to badmouth someone after they've hurt you, you've felt that way about them all along. Always remember, what Susie says of Sally says more of Susie than Sally.
In addition, a woman that respects herself would not lower herself to talk negatively of others personal problems. If you know about someones personal problems, they trusted you enough to tell you. By exposing someone else's problems, you're displaying that you don't respect your friend and that you also don't respect yourself. You should feel honored that your friend told you, and you really shouldn't betray her trust. However, maybe she did not want to tell you in the first place but your constant nagging made it impossible. Respect her and yourself to leave the issue alone if she wishes not to talk about it. 
Be modest! But don't confuse modest with dressing like this: 
I'm not saying you shouldn't show skin at all, but keep it classy. Wearing super short shorts and a revealing top just screams: HEY, LOOK AT MY BODY, ONLY TALK TO ME BECAUSE OF MY BODY AND ONLY "LIKE" ME BECAUSE OF MY BODY. OH AND I LOVE ATTENTION. 
Just no. 
Gentlemen are few and far between these days. But that's because we don't make them rise to that level! Girls are so easy to give away so much, so easily, that guys don't have to work for it. Leave a little to the imagination! Focus on one body part to show off and downplay the rest. I don't know about you but the thought of a guy liking me for such a shallow reason just disgusts me! There is so much more to me than my body and I want someone to like me for my heart, not my appearance! 
Another tip, ladies, control your liquor. There's no issue with going out and having a good time, just make sure you're aware of yourself and who you're with. Sadly, guys prey on drunk girls hoping to hook up with them. Letting this happen just shows you don't respect that you deserve better than that. It is sad that guys take advantage of girls in this manner but its our job to put an end to that! 

In time I hope to continue on this topic in a separate post! 
Do you think self-respect is declining? 

4th of July!

Happy July, everyone! I woke up this morning and I was amazed that it is July already. I feel like this summer has gone by so fast! Thankfully, I have 2 more months left before fall semester starts. Although July has just started, it looks like it is going to be an amazing month! I have a few concerts to go to and I'm also seeing The Little Mermaid musical downtown! Of course, I'll do other things as well the rest of the month. :)

One of my favorite things about July is the 4th of July. I love watching and photographing fireworks, having cookouts, and going to our local arts festival. This year will be no exception! Here are some pictures I found that celebrate all things red, white, & blue!

Patriotic funfetti cupcakes, just like I'll be making for my girls at work!

Fireworks I photographed a few years ago on the 4th!

Love love love sparklers!

Love this festive mani! It celebrates the holiday without being tacky ;)

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Hate. You always hear people say hate is a strong word. Yet, it is thrown around so easily. Talk to any distressed girl and she'll give you a list of things she hates. But does hating something really solve anything? Nope. 
Listen, I'm a girl, I know what its like. It's okay to dislike certain people. Even if its people that once meant a lot to you. But, you have a choice to hate them. If you don't like someone, just ignore them. Quit creeping on them, quit trying to ruin their life, and quit trying to be better than them. Seriously. Not only is that an immature way to deal with the situation, hating them is only hurting you. Hating and resenting someone is like drinking poison and expecting them to die. No matter how maturely you handle the situations life throws at you, things won't always work out. People will be cruel, irrational, and disrespectful. But don't even devote energy to trying to "get even" with them. Karma will take care of it much better than you ever could. Trying to hurt them just like they hurt you is just negative energy that will consume you. Besides, no girl has ever made herself great by showing how small someone is. <3 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Personally, I think we should never stop learning. Learning helps us all to grow. And I don't mean learning from academics, I mean learning from life. I firmly believe everything has a lesson and everything happens for a reason. While the lesson isn't always clear when something happens, I think time has a way of revealing the lessons that we have learned. The past few months have taught me so much, and I've made a serious effort to learn from every situation I've encountered. 
1. You never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Cherish and don't take those moments for granted. 
2. Always leave those who are important to you with loving words, because you never know if  you'll see them again. 

Short post today but those two mantras have been weighing on my mind lately. 
What have you learned recently?

Monday, June 17, 2013

Currently Loving

When I woke up this morning, I knew I just wanted to write. Having this blog has become my release, my way of talking about whatever I want. Sometimes, my post are almost like informal letters to someone or even myself. As of recently, there are a ton of things on my mind that I could write about but I'm going to hold off on that for a little bit longer. Instead, I'm writing about what I'm currently loving. Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate. 

This simple reminder. 

I've always been in the mindset that if I'm a good person to someone, they should reciprocate. However, that hardly happens. Instead of getting angry about the way they're treating me, I just need to remember a few things. 1. They way they treat me doesn't change my worth because they cant see my value. 
2. Let the pain make me better, and not bitter that there are few good people out there.
3. Remove people from your life that make you miserable more than they make you happy. 

This hair color. 
Okay, this needs to be my hair. Like ASAP, like now. My hair is naturally a medium brown with natural highlights. I feel like this "bronde" color would look awesomeeeee on me. The girl in the picture is glowing and the blonde highlights just brighten up her whole face. 

This saying. 
Simple, yet so true. Surround yourself with quality people and everything becomes magical. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Morning, all! Today I wanted to share a past outfit of the day. I wore this outfit while I was in Massachusetts .  On this day, we traveled to the North Shore and stopped at a few coastal towns along the way. All of our stops were so charming and really encompassed what New England is all about. Every time I look at the pictures, my heart aches to go back. 
Tank: Loft
Shorts: Lilly Pulitzer 
Sandals: Sam Endelman for American Eagle (n/a). Similar 

Friday, May 31, 2013


As I write this post, I'm drinking coffee out of a ceramic mug. Imagine I took that mug and threw it at the wall in front of me with all the force I have. Naturally, the ceramic mug is going to break once it hits the wall. Maybe some of the pieces will break again when it hits the floor. I could walk over to the mess I created and gather the pieces. With those pieces, I could begin to rebuild the mug it used to be. Using some sort of adhesive, I was able to "fix" the mug. However, it's not the mug it used to be. All the big pieces are there, but there are a couple of tiny, missing pieces here and there. And while the glue is holding all the pieces together, is the mug really as strong as it used to be? What happens when the glue dries up? Once again, the mug will fall apart. Maybe not as violently as the first time, but it will crumble without the glue to hold it together. After it falls apart a second time, you decide its time for a new mug. You hate to discard it so have a ton of memories drinking coffee from this mug. However, you're getting frustrated with your current mug. You're tired of worrying if the super glue holding it together is dishwasher safe and you're hesitant to bump it off your counter because the whole thing might fall apart. As much as you love this mug you got in Disney World when you were 10, you find yourself yearning for something different. Something more mature, strong, reliable, and new.

Take this whole scenario and apply it to a romantic relationship. Yeah, I bet its tempting to get back together with your ex. But wake up, darling! You two broke up for a reason. Somewhere along the way something went wrong and it shattered. I know, I know, he changed and he promised he'll never do XYZ again. He's just so upset about what he did to you that he is disgusted with himself and he begs you to take him back. Of course, being the weak white woman that you are, you do. I kid, I know all of you aren't weak white women, but the minute your phone lights up with a text message from him, all reason goes out the window. You forget that he was a jerk that forgot your birthday, and that he lied to you and all the other crappy stuff. All that matters to you now is that he said that magic word: sorry. 

So you take him back, and its great. You two are sharing milkshakes at BRGR, having deep heart to hearts about both wanting a pet dog when you're like 25, and you're being that couple who holds hand and is making out while walking through the mall. Gag. But, it doesn't last long. You see he's been Snap Chatting that bitch. I know, right? The nerve of him. Like why would he want to see her making ugly faces when you're over here too beautiful to make ugly faces? I don't know either, but you're pissed. You can't believe that he'd do that after promising to change. And unfortunately, you can't see what they were sending each other at 2 am. What is soooooo important at 2 am that he felt the need to answer her?? I'd rather not know, to be honest. 

Now you're just down right mad. All sense of reason is out the window again and you're screaming at him. He screams back at you and through all the yelling its decided that the relationship is over. But is it really over for good? It should be. Yeah, you could go to Target and buy more super glue and try to put the pieces back together again. But you should also buy some gardening gloves. All those broken pieces have sharp edges, edges that will hurt you trying to pick them up. Instead, you wander through the aisles of Target and get a broom and a dust pan. And you make a pit stop at cosmetics and buy some new nail polish, because its essential. You come home and see that old mug, lying there on the floor of your kitchen. Its broken into smaller pieces now, the result of being broken a second time. Being the strong, woman that you are, you sweep all those broken pieces with the sharp edges into the dust pan. Getting stronger, you throw all those pieces into the trash.  

Sometimes, it's easier to throw away the pieces instead of hurting yourself trying to put it back together. While super glue is a miracle product, it doesn't make give things the strength it once had. You can't fix what isn't broken, but sometimes what's broken isn't worth it. Save yourself and your heart and leave the pieces where they are. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Massachusetts via Instagram

Hey all! Last night I arrived home from being on vacation. For the past week I've been in the greater Boston area. I've only been home for a few hours but I'm so ready to go back. While I saw a lot, I know there is so much I didn't get to see. I guess that just means I have to go back...hopefully sooner than later :)

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Everything happens for a reason, right? Of course. I'll admit, I question the reason sometimes but I've tried to remember that this is all part of a grander plan. Often times, when one door in our life shuts we fixate on the shut door, trying to open it again. We're so focused on the door that closed that we don't acknowledge or even truly see all the other doors that have opened. In all the time you've spent dwelling on that shut door, did you ever stop to realize that maybe it is shut for a reason? Maybe the person on the other side of that door is no longer needed in your life. Maybe that person hurts you more than helps you, and is hindering you from reaching all that you were set out to be in this world. Every single person in your life is there for a reason. Weather it be to temporary or forever, everyone has a purpose. Some bring happiness, while others bring you experience. But just because someone is in your life, doesn't mean they always will be. Sometimes things go wrong, people change, and everything falls apart. Don't sit there and dwell on what you could have done better, what they did wrong, how you can make everything return to normal. Everything happens for a reason. Don't go back to something just because its comfortable and familiar...sometimes that is what hurts us the most. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Are you ever truly living if you always play it safe? Sitting on the shore is comfortable, but you can't explore new waters until you lose sight of the shore. Brave all the waves, a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. I know that its hard to move on from someone, especially when you love them. But there comes a point when you need to recognize that sometimes people don't change, things don't always get better, and that sometimes people hurt you more than they help you. If you're lucky, you have two hands: one to help yourself, and one to help others. Unfortunately, sometimes people use their other hand to hurt you. If someone is purposefully hurting you, pray for them. Pray that they receive the help they need. If someone feels the need to make you feel bad, it is because they feel bad themselves. Maybe they need self validation that you still care. Maybe it makes them feel good that they still have control over you. Just because they lack the love for life doesn't give you them right to make anyone feel bad as well. If they want to sink in their own misery, let them. Have enough respect for yourself to realize that you can swim. Swim away from the shore and explore new waters. Swim away from those who don't respect you, love you or help you grow. If you continually let people treat you bad, you are settling for less than you deserve. Know your worth. We all deserve someone who gives us the same amount of love and respect that we give to them. While God puts everyone in your life for a reason, he removes them for a better reason. Remember that <3

Friday, May 17, 2013

Five for Friday

For it being the beginning of summer, it has been off to a great start! While I have been extremely busy, I have loved every minute of it. Here are five things on my mind recently. 

1. Friendship: I never understood how important friendship was until I met the right kind of people to be friends with. In the past I had been "friends" with people who brought me down, caused drama, and just overall weren't great people to build relationships with. I've come to realize the true meaning of a friend and I'm so thankful for the friends I do have. 

2. "The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself" - Friedrich Niezsche 
Be your own person, don't give in. The right people will come to you and accept you as you are. 

3. "After some time you learn the difference, the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul. " 
Taken from the poem "After a While you Learn" by Veronica Shoffstall, this line really hit home. I know from experience that there is a difference between wanting the best for someone and trying to control them to do the best for yourself. Love is about appreciation, not possession. This whole poem is wonderful, very true and powerful. Definitely a must read. 

4. Less than 1 week till Boston! Very excited. Planning on visiting Salem, Hyannis, and the North shore. And of course, there will be shopping, Pinkberry, cupcakes and Harvard. 

5. Respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, trust is gained, loyalty is returned. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Boston Wishlist

As I mentioned before, I'll be flying out to Boston later this month. One thing I'm really excited for is to shop in Boston. Through my research I've realized they have so many stores that Pittsburgh doesn't have. It would be a shame to not buy anything from these stores. I know, I know, I'm just trying to justify the amount of shopping that I will be doing. With that being said, I have my eye on a few items that I hope to see in person and possibly bring home with me! Here they are: 

Chanel 5205
I've been lusting over these for over a year. I'm dying to see them in person. Alas, I haven't been able to find the current price of these sunglasses online so I may just have to drool over these without taking them home. They are gorgeous, though. 

Lilly Pulitzer Delia Dress
The "Lets Cha Cha" print is just too fun for summer! From the exposed zipper to the side bows, this dress is full of cute details. 

Anthropologie Tri-Tone Pom Scarf
If you couldn't tell from my blog makeover, I am obsessed with navy and mint together. When I saw this I knew that I have to have it. It's just too cute and could add so much to a basic outfit. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve

When I first created Sparkling Shannon, I intended it to be a blog about fashion and beauty. However, I soon found that I love writing post where I open up to the internet about whats on my mind. Lately, I find myself wanting to write these types of post more than those about fashion and beauty. Don't get me wrong, those things still excite me but I love having the chance to open up my heart and type out these posts in hopes that they'll help someone out there. 

When I was in high school, I had a terrible self-esteem. I was shy, overweight, and was being bullied. I was bullied by the same group of girls for 6 years. I tried my hardest not to let it get to me but eventually I crumbled. I started to believe all the hurtful things they said about me. The bullying followed me wherever I went, from home, to school, and then to work. To this day I still don't know why those girls hated me and to be honest, I don't want to know. Thankfully, it has stopped now that I no longer work with those girls. High School was a rough time for me. From the minute I stepped into 7th grade, I couldn't wait till college. When I graduated, I thought college would be so much better. While it was, it wasn't what I expected. My freshman year was rough. I just completed my sophomore year. It was better than my freshman year but it still wasn't what I wanted it to be. Luckily, I was able to spend the last month of my Sophomore year making friends and having fun while staying true to myself. 

So lets back up a bit and explore why I'm even writing this post. When I was in high school, I went to Barnes and Nobel and bought The Perks of Being a Wallflower. As soon as I began reading this book, I was hooked. I connected to so many things in the book. This book means the world to me. I fell in love with this book in ways that I didn't think were possible. I know this sounds totally cliche because now that the movie is out everyone and their mother is on the Perks bandwagon, but hear me out. We accept the love we think we deserve. That quote just means so much to me, even all these years later. When I was overweight and shy, I felt that I deserved having people treat me badly. During my senior year of high school, I committed to losing weight. I ate healthy and exercised and lost a significant amount of weight. Don't get me wrong, I was still bullied because of that. Those same group of girls accused me of using diet pills to lose weight. But losing weight made me more confident. By being more confident, I was able to assert myself more and show the world who I truly was. By showing people who I really was, I began to believe that I really was a good person. And once I started believing in myself, I started to see that people treating me bad for no reason had nothing to do with me, but it had everything to do with them. When people did something hurtful to me, I started calling them out on it. Granted, I still had my moments when I felt that I deserved it in some twisted way but now I see that I felt that way only because they wanted me to feel that way. But the only thing I deserve is better. I deserve better. 

I deserve someone who puts in as much effort as I do. I deserve someone who wants to show me off instead of hiding me. I deserve someone who wants me to succeed, just like I want them to succeed. Someone who wants me to become the most me I can be. Someone who gets excited about our relationship. Every single person out there deserves someone. Find someone who is worthy of your love. Someone that will treat you with the same amount of respect and love that you give. Because not everyone deserves your love.  

Friday, April 26, 2013

Some people are like rain clouds...

And when they go away, its a brighter day. 
Have you ever had someone like that in your life? This person finds something wrong in everything you try to do. This person makes you feel bad about yourself because they are mean to you. I'm sure at some point in your life, you've dealt with a person like this to some degree. I know I have. 
For the longest time I felt terrible about myself because of how someone decided to treat me. I felt that I wasn't worth someone treating me right and felt that I couldn't do anything right. Every time this person did something terrible to me, instead of recognizing that they're being a jerk, I took the blame upon myself. Not getting what I wanted led to me trying to become a better person. In my mind, I thought that if I was better, I would be treated better. Sadly, that wasn't the case. 
But then it dawned on me one day. We are defined by our actions toward others, not others' actions toward us. If someone is being hurtful toward you when you did nothing to deserve it, then they don't deserve you. Seriously. If someone doesn't want whats best for you, then they don't deserve you at all! Don't compromise your dreams for someone who doesn't want you to go after what is going to make you the happiest. I know its hard when you love someone but if you truly love someone, you want them to be happy. 
Think of it this way. Your life is a puzzle. All the pieces are coming together. You really want to go study abroad and your significant other doesn't want you to. Sometimes those 2 pieces aren't going to fit together with you to make a complete puzzle. 
I used to think that if two people truly wanted to make a relationship work, they'd find a way. While I still think its true to some extent, my views have changed. Sometimes things change. Sometimes things just don't work out even though you really want it to. And I know you're trying to cram that corner piece of the puzzle into the center just to make it work but listen, it's not going to fit. Just like you're not going to fit into that size 2 mini skirt after you ate a large Reese's Blizzard while crying about what a jerk Andrew is. It's okay girl, you're beautiful anyway. 
Back on topic. Just don't fight your puzzle. Everything happens for a reason. I know its hard to think of the whole picture right now because you're too busy trying to cram pieces where they don't belong but trust me, the puzzle only comes together one way. Even if you and Andrew's puzzle piece fits on one side, the other 3 sides are empty so you know what, let him go be the corner piece that's closed off on two sides because he is incapable of opening his heart up to love. He'll probably end up living under a bridge someday so no worries. You have 4 sides open and ready for love so you go out there and find another puzzle piece that belongs in the middle of the puzzle. 
We all have a predetermined number and type of pieces in the box of our lives. Each piece serves a purpose.  Some of the pieces help us learn something. Others test our limits. No matter their purpose, they all help us in some way and each piece serves a purpose in our lives. 
So next time you're doubting something in your life or you're just trying way to hard to make things work, just think of the puzzle. Take a deep breath, step back and try to think of the big picture. Don't fight fate, it all works out in the end. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Travel Essentials

Long time no blog! As the end of the semester is approaching, I have been busy busy busy. So please, excuse my neglect! Next month I will be taking a special trip that I'm very excited about! My trip to Boston is rapidly approaching and I could not be more excited. With that being said, I have been trying to resist shopping because Boston has quite a few stores that are not in my area. However, that hasn't stopped me from doing some online window shopping for some "travel essentials." Here are some of the things I've had my eye on, enjoy! 

I'm not the biggest fan of Vera Bradley but I think this print is absolutely adorable. It's new for their Summer 2013 collection. While I already have a cosmetic bag, it is kinda small. And lets be real, this print is too cute to pass up. 

I've been reading so much about how great these totes are for travel. That makes me want one so much more! I've heard of people using them as carry on's and as a purse after their flight lands. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Short Story: My favorite shorts for spring and summer!

So, initially I wrote a draft of this in February. It is now April and the weather in Pittsburgh is nothing to write home about. It'll be snowing at 11 am but then sunny by 3 pm. Mother nature, you're bipolar and I'm sick of it. . Despite the less than ideal weather, it doesn't stop me from online window shopping for the upcoming seasons hottest shorts! 

As soon as I saw these, I was in love. The print is to die for, a small navy based floral, that is sure to last for seasons to come. 

Thanks to RueLaLa, I have a pair of these bad boys on the way. They're in a different print but I couldn't pass them up. They are adorable. I love the length. There's nothing I hate more than short shorts. They're awesome if you have great legs, but I don't. These, however, are great. Classy, cute detail and versatile. 

Okay, I know I just said I don't like short shorts but....THESE ARE SO CUTE. I need these. They are perfect. I just need to do a thousand squats a day and run run run. Yeah,  I say that as I lay in bed eating Reeses Pieces while wearing extra large men's sweat pants. Whatever. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Being a Good Person

From the time we are young, we are taught what we should believe and determine what defines us as a person. People are defined by their culture, beliefs, morals, political views, orientation, race and sex, among other things. I'm warning you, this post may be filled with unpopular opinions but this is my blog and I'm not walking on eggshells for anyone.
I will never understand why people care so much about the choices others make that don't effect them. If it does not affect you're day to day life, then I really think you should just stop worrying about it. Its fine if it bothers you, I get it. It's fine to vent, we all do it. I'm not writing this post to say I'm perfect. I am perfectly guilty of not understanding a choice someone has made and becoming frustrated by it.  Humans get annoyed and don't always agree with what others do and think. BUT, making a long Facebook status or slapping a bumper sticker on your car is NOT going to fix anything.
Your best bet is to accept that you cannot change the matter and live your life.
Okay, let's get to the nitty gritty of this post.
I live my life by one rule: be a good person.
I know, totally subjective. I was not raised in a religious household, which usually surprises a lot of people based on how I act. However, I am lucky enough to have parents who raised me to believe what I want to believe and above all be a good person.
I may not accomplish all of these rules every day, but I try my hardest.
Here are my guide to being a good person:
1. Help when you can. If you see a person upset, reach out to them. If someone is struggling, give what you can. Even if it is a text message, an encouraging word, an hour of your time or buying someone lunch...just help.
2. Bouncing off of that, don't deny help to someone just because it goes against your beliefs. The majority of us have so much, and there's so many that have so little. Be the bigger person and look past their flaws and just help.
3. Be a shoulder to cry on and an open ear. Comfort those who need it and offer a hug. I hate seeing anyone upset. And I know what it feels like to be upset and alone. It sucks, and I don't want others to feel that way.
4. Be compassionate and empathetic. Think about how you would feel if someone did that to you...or your mom, or your best friend. No one wants to be treated badly. I know its hard not to want to seek revenge when someone did you wrong, but two wrongs don't make a right. Take the high road, the view is so much better up there.
5. Respect people. Respect their beliefs, their belongings, etc. Be open minded to others. You wouldn't like if someone disrespected you, so don't do it to someone else. I don't always agree with people's beliefs or choices but who am I to tell them that they shouldn't do something or feel a certain way.
5. Think before you speak. You know those people who are so honest that it hurts? Like when a friend tells you that you shouldn't be wearing those shorts because your thighs jiggle? Please, don't be that rude. I love when people justify it as being honest. Yeah, being a honest is a good personality trait but that doesn't mean you should be brutal.
6. Use your manners. Say please and thank you. Hold the door open for someone. Smile.
7. I stick to my morals. That includes not being a drunk mess, not letting someone use me and not settling for less than I deserve. I don't want to be the average college girl getting drunk and hooking up with 5 different people each weekend. I respect myself enough to not act in that manner.
8. Be honest. Not the rude kind of honest, though. If you find a wallet on the ground, try to find its owner. Tell the truth.
9. Character is who you are in the dark. What I mean by that is who you are when no one is watching. Don't be a "good person" when people are around only so you get praise. Being a good person and feeling it inside  your heart is all the praise you need.
10. Be considerate. I usually put others before myself. Sometimes I do it to people who don't appreciate it and it makes me feel bad. But, at least I know I tried.
11. Be loyal. Keep your word and your promises. If you can't, be honest and explain why. Be committed and dependable.
12. Do not use people. Don't use them for their advantages, material possessions or personal gain. That's just rude.
13. Encourage those you love to reach their full potential.
14. Have integrity. Don't compromise your morals or ethical principles for anyone or anything.
15. Be sensitive. Be mindful that your words or actions might hurt another person.
16. Be real. I've never been one to pretend to be someone else. I'm me and not everyone will appreciate it but that's life.
17. Be sympathetic. Don't be rude to someone who is upset. Do not make them feel worse. People have done this to me before and it is a horrible feeling. Out of anger I have done this before to people and I have felt so terrible afterwards.
18. Give others the benefit of the doubt. I try to do this and think of reasons why something happened the way it did. It is easy to think something was done in a malicious manner but it usually isn't. However, I am at fault of justifying people's behavior when it was just plain mean.
19. Be self aware. Apologize when you're wrong. Admit your faults. Recognize your flaws.
20. Trust your gut. If it feels wrong, it is. If it feels good, it is.

There is so so so much more I could say on this topic...
Perhaps another time!
What is something you strive to do every day to be a good person?

Friday, April 5, 2013


I'll be the first to admit that I don't view myself as a positive person. I'm sarcastic and I always expect the worst to happen. I get frustrated easily and in turn become upset easily. Lately, I've been presented some not so great opportunities, but taught me some things in turn. Some say that everything happens for a reason. I can't help but question the reason sometimes, but I'm sure naturally everyone does. 
Here are some things I've realized in the last few weeks.

1. Someone is always going to have something better than you. Just like there are people who have it worse than you do. We all need to learn to be thankful for what we have. Be contented. 
2. Friends are like stars. You may not always see them, but they're always there. I'm so happy that I've had a good group of friends and family surrounding me these past few days.
3. "Don't let the fear of being alone drive you back to the arms of someone you don't belong with." Trust me, I know its hard to realize and know your self worth. It's hard and it really does suck feeling vulnerable like that but every single one of us deserves someone who will move mountains to see a smile on our face.
4. If you're lucky enough to be different, don't ever change. Seriously. I struggled with it all my life and still do now. No one wants to feel left out. Especially for stupid reasons. But you know what, if you don't fit in with your peers, it is probably for the best. You've taken a completely different path for your life and I promise that one day you'll see it is for the better.
5. To get a rainbow, you have to have some rain. It may be stormy now but soon that dark storm cloud is going to run out of rain. I'm waiting for that day.

Have a great Friday everyone!
Leave a comment below telling me what you've learned recently!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Staying in Healthy in College

Talking to a friend today inspired this post! Trying to stay healthy in college is hard. I don't have a kitchen and I have to have a meal plan because I live on campus. Our dining options are limited and they don't always serve healthy options. Your body is 80% what you eat and 20% activity. I don't always make it to the gym because of academics but I still try to maintain a healthy eating plan.
Here are my tips for staying healthy in college!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Good Things Come to Those Who Work Hard

I'm not going to lie, I was skeptical about last night's game. How could Robert Morris University, a small, D1 school with more loses than wins beat the University of Kentucky, who won the NCAA Championship last year in basketball? Maybe it was due to my pessimistic outlook on most things, but I couldn't fathom that the Robert Morris Colonials Men Basketball team would win. As the saying goes, surprises come when you least expect it. 

Being a girl who isn't into sports, I didn't attend the game. Instead, I opted to watch the game on ESPN, which was crazy in itself. Robert Morris University is located in the middle of suburbia. We aren't widely known outside of the Pittsburgh area. But last night, we were super stars. 

With less than 9 seconds on the clock, Mike McFadden made the free throws that gave us the score of 59. Even though I wasn't in the Sewall Center, I could feel the anticipation, and significance of Kentucky's Kyle Wiltjer's next move. As the ball left his hands, I was silent. I watched as it sailed toward the hoop and then bounced off. I stared in disbelief as thousands of my classmates stormed the court. I could feel tears welling in my eyes as I watched the students, faculty and alum of Robert Morris University feel so much pride in being a Colonial.

I honestly can't imagine what its like to go to a big school and experience that level of camaraderie at every sporting event. I feel like those students are so used to it that it doesn't even phase them. But at Robert Morris, it is huge. I find it heartwarming to see those associated with the University so excited about this accomplishment. There's no telling who much of an impact this positive experience will have on this campus, but its safe to say that good things will come. As always, good things come to those who work hard. 

Be the Friend you Wish you Had

In high school, I kept to myself the majority of the time. A lot of this had to do with being bullied, but the other small percentage of me just hated all the backstabbing that went on. I just decided I was better off with a few amount of true friends. When I got to college, that all changed. Like many incoming freshman, I wanted a new beginning. I made a decent amount of friends my freshman year. By the beginning of my sophomore year of college, which I'm currently in now, I talked to none of the "close" friends I met there. 
Once again, I decided it was better off to be alone and have few friends instead ones who weren't good friends. 
The term "good friends" is totally subjective and the definition varies. Being at college taught me a lot about what is not okay to do in a friendship. Friendship isn't defined on excluding people because they don't drink, or talking maliciously about you for personal gain. I had a friend last year that would want to me to talk to her about what I was feeling upset about, only to turn around and talk badly about me to the whole dorm and tell everyone the things I had told her. I had "friends" purposefully do hurtful things after we got in a minor disagreement. Nothing says mending a friendship like purposefully being rude, right? These instances happened to me multiple times by those who I thought I was closest with. Even though it sucks to lose friends, I'm glad I am no longer associated with those people. Those experiences taught me a lot. I may not have a lot of close friends, but I strive to be a good friend. I don't want to make my friends feel bad, exclude them or act maliciously toward them. I want to make my friends feel empowered, accept them for who they are, help them when they're sad, and be a shoulder to cry on.  
Be the friend you wish you had. 
Think of it this way, if you had a friend like yourself, would you like how they are treating you? If the answer is no, then you learned something. Sometimes we need to step back and look from things in a different perspective. 

What does it mean to you to be a "good friend"? 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Four for Friday!

It's Friday! I am hardly excited for Fridays because I usually do homework and work all weekend. This weekend will be no exception as I try to complete assignments before my spring break ends. Although I had a lot of homework to do over spring break, I still managed to have some fun...


1. went to whole foods and got this amazing pepperoni roll. it was so good
2. saw Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ballet with my mom
3. played with Lauren's pantone thing at my internship
4. painted a picture 

what have you done this week? 
have a great weekend! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Building your Classic Wardrobe

When I was in eighth grade, I vowed not to buy another graphic t shirt again. At that time in my life, that is all I wore. I was obsessed with watching What Not to Wear and soon realized that graphic t's were the first thing thrown in the trash by Stacy and Clinton. From that year forward, I never bought another shirt that had "A. Eagle" or "H.Co" written across my chest. However, if a shirt had a  design screen printed on it, I did not count that as being considered a graphic t. 
As I grew older, my wardrobe started to mature as well. In high school, we were not allowed to wear ripped jeans. Even now that I have graduated, I've never felt the urge to go buy a pair of  light wash jeans with rips and frays. Flash forward to now, I'm a college sophomore. I can definitely say that my wardrobe is built upon classic pieces that can definitely be worn to a job after graduation. Of course, I have a few trendy pieces thrown in their but not many. Today I want to show you what I consider to be the quintessential pieces every classic wardrobe needs. 

Your "classic" wardrobe should consist of neutral colors such as: navy, black, tan and gray.

-closed toe pumps
-pencil skirt
-trench coat
-boot cut jeans

other staples include:
-pea coat
-black dress
-leather bag
-button down shirt

What are your classic must-haves?

Monday, March 11, 2013

Birchbox: March Madness

I just came home to see that I received my March Birchbox! This is probably one of the best Birchboxes I've ever gotten. I've had my subscription for a year now and have contemplated many times about cancelling it because I'm usually only excited over 1 or 2 things. However, it is only $10 and I like getting a surprise every month. 

March Box

This box included:
Macadamia Natural Oil Healing Oil Treatment
Marcelle BB Cream Golden Glow
Stella Cadente Miss Me Discrete? Eau de Toilette
Supergoop! SPF 30+ Everyday UV Lotion for Face and Body
Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque
Madewell for Birchbox Emery Board 

I think I'm most excited about the Macadamia products! I've tried the masque before and loved it! I'm sure the oil is nothing short of amazing. I've been loving BB creams and I'm anxious to try Marcelle, which is a Canadian brand. Anyone that knows me personally knows I love love love things from Canada. And seriously, what girl doesn't love getting a new nail file? 

What did you get in your March Birchbox? What were your favorites?

Saturday, March 9, 2013


As I expressed in my last post, I am currently on spring break. In the weeks leading up this much anticipated week, I've heard so many girls talking about diets. Some are worried about swim suits, some are dieting for Prom, which is just a few short months away. 
When I was a senior in high school, I was so excited for prom. I was one of the first to go buy my dress. I wasn't expecting that my choices of dresses would be slim due to my size. When I went dress shopping in January of 2011, I was a size 14. By the time I went to prom in May, I was a size 8 and lost roughly 30 pounds. Don't get me wrong, I am so happy that I chose to become healthy. I developed a love for healthy food and fueling my body as healthily as I can. 
As I've grown older, I've realized and had to come to terms with something: numbers are just numbers. 
Age, weight, size, score, income, etc., are just numbers. 
Any number should not define me. My weight does not measure the love I have for others. My SAT score doesn't measure my character. My income does not measure my creativity or my confidence. Numbers do not measure determination, perseverance or the consideration you have for others. 
Ladies, I know summer is fastly approaching and you all want to lose a bit, but seriously, love yourself. You're beautiful, strong, amazing and kind. And no number in the world can measure that. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Student Discounts!

Long time no blog! I was so busy this past week with school, as it was the last week before spring break. My spring break started yesterday and I'm so relieved to have a break. However, my "break" will still be filled with homework. As nerdy as it may be, I'm kind of excited to be able to work on my assignments without any more being thrown my way. 
Spring break isn't the only perk of being a college student. I may be biased but I think student discounts are. If I know I can save money by showing my student ID, I am much more inclined to shop there! Here are some of my favorite places to get discounts!

J. Crew and J. Crew Factory: 15% 
I've used this discount the most, especially at the factory store. Who doesn't want to save money at J.Crew?! Tip: they let you stack discounts!!!! When I went there a few weeks ago, select items were up to 50% off, and then everything was an additional 10% off. Instead of giving me the extra 10% off, they gave me 15% for my discount. But with the discounts and my student ID, I ended up saving $285! and spending $217.
Madewell: 15%
J. Crew's sister store also offers the same discount! I've only bought a few bracelets in there but getting a discount was definitely a nice surprise!
LOFT: 15%
I love LOFT and they always have amazing sales! I can't remember if they let you stack discounts...(like when everything is 40% off and then you get the student discount as well)
Jo-ann Fabrics: 10%
This is perfect for when I want to get my craft on! Or want to go buy every seasonal cupcake liner in sight...

Keep in mind that this is not a "master list" of all the student discounts available, these are just my favorites! When I created this blog, I knew I wanted to share things I was passionate about, not just whatever I could find to write about! My mantra has always been quality over quantity. 
I think that mantra applies to these stores, especially! You could walk into Forever21 and buy a bunch of clothes for super cheap, but the quality is also super cheap. J. Crew, Madewell and Loft all produce clothes that are of amazing quality and they are mostly classic pieces. While these clothes may be more expensive, they are classic and will last a long time. All the more reason to take advantage of student discounts! 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

We're not in Kansas anymore... Oz inspired beauty

Any time I think of classic movies, I instantly think of The Wizard of Oz. This Friday, Oz: the Great and Powerful will be released. I'm not much of a movie person but I am so excited to see this movie. I'm anxious to see how Disney is retelling such an iconic story. Lately I've been seeing a few beauty products and looks inspired by Oz. Here are some of my favorites...

OPI x Oz: the Great and Powerful 

Are any of you excited for Oz? I know I am!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Style Icon: Lauren Conrad

Ever since I saw the first episode of Laguna Beach, I instantly fell in love with Lauren Conrad. She was my favorite "character" on Laguna and The Hills, as well. She was the girl that I most related to. Through all the drama that the two shows provided, I loved seeing how she handled it. She always dealt with drama in a graceful manner. Not only have I admired the type of person she has shown to be, her fashion sense is out of this world. Consistently she has started many trends. She posted a picture of her new hair yesterday, and I know that she just set the stage for the newest hair trend. Not going to lie, I'm really really really itching to try this new dye job. 

To this day, she's my favorite celebrity. I'm not the typical girl that is obsessed with actors, actresses, singers, etc. But LC is a different story. With that, here are a collection of LC images that have inspired me over the years... 

Perfect curls & pink lips

Rainbow locks

 LC Poppins 

My favorite go-to look

I've always been jealous of her Chanel Jumbo Flap

Her winged-liner is always perfect 

But then again, she is nothing short of perfect.